Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Deep Thoughts At the Gynecologist

It's that time of year again. I got myself all gussied up, dabbed on a bit of lip gloss and remembered to draw my eyebrows in with the pencil that actually matched the color of my hair. I put on a casual white tee, and some fitted jeans - so it wouldn't appear I was trying too hard - but threw on a blazer at the last minute to pull things together a bit more. I even broke out the matching Victoria's Secret set with the lace border. I practiced an "effortless" smile in the mirror and again for a few minutes in the car before setting out.

You see, today I'm off to the gynecologist.

Monday, January 4, 2016

15 Greats of 2015

With 2015 at a close, all of the deep thinkers are getting introspective and profound. That's what watching your life quickly Whip & Nae Nae past does to you. It makes a mofo all sentimental and shit. I've been reading the posts of some really good writers as they reflect & pontificate and cite 12 months of growth and evolution...meanwhile I'm wondering if I can still serve the kids this refrigerated turkey from Christmas.