Wednesday, September 21, 2016

First Love

I have quite a few friends that are relishing in the wonder and awe that comes with being parents to a first child. Seeing the world through the innocence of a tiny being that you created is the closest thing to heaven on earth. It’s overwhelmingly magical and pure. Something so much deeper than anything you can really put into words.

First Love | Atlanta Area Moms Blog
What everyone thinks a baby’s 1st photo shoot will look like. Photo Cred: L. Hyche

I love getting those Facebook updates from all of my doting mommy & daddy pals:
Sweet Hemingway is learning to crawl now,”
Omar ate a Cheerio all by himself!” or
Anika said ‘da da’ today #NoSweeterSound.”
Can’t you just picture it? Looking down at your baby and seeing his first smile or feeling the warmth of her touch as she pats your hand with gratitude while nursing – it’s a rush, I get it.
In fact thinking of that new bond, the one between parent and child, just makes my heart swell. I can practically feel the tightness in my chest now.
First Love | Atlanta Area Moms Blog
Baby’s first Glamour Shot – Photo credit: E. Ogletree
Wait. No. That’s not my heart. Scratch that, I think it’s my bra. Yep, dammit, definitely my bra; easily mistaken for a sappy heart swell.

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